Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Generally I came across different clashes about these Past-present-future. when I say about past they said, that already happened leave it think about present. When I say about present , they said leave it it is only temporary think about future. When I say about future ,they said live in present..........Then What should I DO???

Past gives you lot of things happened in the past.Generally people used to say " s/he doesn't know his past has no future". Memories which we feel as good give us happiness ( even some times they make you sad) bad ones gives you experiences of life . so what we have to do like it or not??

Future gives you hope. always forward looking show us way and purpose. most of the times future fills with more happiness. So what about future??

Then come to present the only moment in our hand, guaranteed to us. What ever we like we can do. So???

Yesterday's future is today, today's future is tomorrow. What ever no confusions. I like past, present, and Future.

BUT sometimes I feel I should have a TIME MACHINE.