Thursday, June 3, 2010

My First Attempt

I decided myself Civil services(IAS/IPS) as my career( I have my own reasons and answers for why I have choosen). Except those whatever I do I can't be much happy and satisfied about me. So I have to write the exam. I prepared very well for the exam, studied alot throughout the year.

In Deceber 2009- Notification usually comes in december 2nd week but didn't. Then started worrying bcoz of rumours about change of pattern, this that..etc. worried, worried. After 2-3 days I felt this is not happening only to me if the pattern changes then that will be new to all then why to think face the exam. then onwards started waiting for the notification.....

After lot of confusions notification came out on 2nd Jan,2010 with out much drastic changes. Then happily purchased application, filled the form very carefully following the instructions. I posted the form before 15 days to last date. Then again started worrying whether the application reached the office safely or not....

I spent half of the Jan, Feb and March with this worry bcoz I didn't get acknowledgement card. Enquired with my friends everyone said they also waiting for that. so I felt little bit cool but still not cool. Finally in the end of the march I came to know that my application is registered with UPSC, through the website. Then felt ok.

Now hall-ticket, this time I didn't worried much bcoz I don't have much time to think,I was busy with my books.I got my hall-ticket by the end of April. I continued my full time friendship with books.

Finally the exam day 23rd May,2010. The exam is at 9.30am, I reached the exam center by 8.45am with my dad and sis( actually total family planned to come to the exam center due to my request only dad and sis came to give me some moral support). Really I felt strange that I keep worrying through out the the year about the exam but on that day really I was very very cool. Chit chated with them till 9.10am, while I observed some people reading/studying very seriously, is it works?. then I left to Exam hall.They gave OMR sheet at 9.20am and question paper at 9.30am. Then I myself became busy in reading questions and answering them. After completing all the questions I looked at my watch it is showing 11:26am I felt is really 2hours over?? "The shortest 2hours in my life". At 11.30am time over, submitted my answersheet. After coming out from exam hall I felt OK, I did well.

I reached home thinking about the general studies paper in the afternoon.The speciality of this paper is it seems most of the questions very familiar but it's difficult to choose the correct answer among the options.Reached the exam hall by 2:15pm. Started reading the questions and trying to answer them. for most of of the questions I don't know exact answer. I felt very bad about me. Adding to this my time management is also became bad. But still did my best in that time. By 4:30pm submitted my paper came out from the exam hall thinking whether my answers are correct or wrong, I did well or not. I am not satisfied with my performance. But the thing is if you get 70/150 that is a very good score in GS, "<50%".

I reached home, spent some time thinking about the exam. After some time felt exam is over that is past let it wait for the gud result. Suddenly I got a doubt that I entered the correct booklet code or not....


raveendra... said...

quite a long one........ and good luck sushma......

sandy said...

Good,.. All the best for next time,. even i am also trying to make it out,....

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