Monday, June 7, 2010

Wow What a Q Paper, && What is This Paper???

This is exactly my feeling about this year CSP general studies paper. Some question are very nice and standard. Some questions I felt like run away from the exam hall( Imagine what would be the sceen we are running from the exam hall, teachers, police chasing us.. try once gives a good memory)

I read in some books Cobra builts a nest, ok that is fine I remembered that. BUT the question in exam is Why it builts the nest, WHY?, options are like to attract other species, for eggs,etc. If this happens to be a descriptive type of exam then I will definetly writ "TO MAKE YOU(this question maker) AS SUPPER IN THAT NEST".

But I think I won't. This much filteration is required for worthable and most suitable candidates to took a part in countries developmental building activities.


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